Thursday, March 18, 2010

This Is A Big Daddy Type Post

One more on the things I love, and if love is ever to be represented through singers, it would and could only be in these men below (discounting Freddie, ofcourse) :

Look at Sammy laugh, you just know what a riot it would be to just be in the audience, never mind knowing them personally.
Have you heard them do Impressions? Nobody can sing/act/dance/make you laugh like they could. They were who the word "Performer" was coined for.
All someone would have to do is Sing one of their melodies to me and I would be a goner.

But more importantly, it is easy to forget how these guys broke a few barriers for African-American singers, often times refusing to play in venues where segregation was encouraged. To be in 'showbiz' and to actually stand for something (not something your PR person tells you to stand for), well that just shows the quality of these men, despite any other flaws.

Them be some cool cats.

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