Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Jalan Jalaning in Petaling Street

A photo post! Finally! I went around the oh so famous Petaling Street, unfortunately I could only be there for a short while (since I should have been at work!). Didn't get to take as many photos as I wanted but hopefully, there shall be another day to do that!

I'm learning to play around with my camera more now, these were all taken in Manual Mode, so I was really playing around with shutter speed and aperture (it doesn't really show that I did in the photographs). But slowly, I'm learning more and more about my 1000D. It's such an excellent camera for any newbie! (Although on a side note, the photography community in Malaysia - not nice to newbies. At all.)

Fruits Galore! Petaling Street is full of bright coloured fruits, this was something I never noticed in my previous visits there.

The Slaughter House! dun dun dun! This has to be, thus far, the most stinkiest photograph I have taken, I was just holding my breath throughout these photos. I was to scared to venture any further than this spot!

One thing I learned in Manual Mode was how much exposure is given with different shutter speeds and aperture, its a good method (for me) to start learning where to use what setting.

I love discovering new stuff!


  1. Yay for discovering new things and taking photos :D

    (and really?? are you refering to something you told me about last time? because those people are just lame!)

  2. Yeah stace, it is ! That was my first experience with the rest of the photography community and it left a lasting impression!

  3. Forget them :) I'm sure there are lots of nice people in the community. It was just a waste of their time to be honest. They could have been using it to better themselves.

    Keep going at it! :D

  4. Not too bad dawg...not too bad. These photos look aiite, it wz aiite...but you gettin too black n white dawg...i dig dat u know..i dig dat. - Randy Jackson
