Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Old Romanticism

Back to Photography. I played around with the manual settings this time. I'm starting to slowly understand the meaning behind each setting, trying to rely less and less on the the auto settings.
I didn't realise how fascinating it is. Also how interesting the effects are!

I didn't want to tell the tree or weed what it was. I wanted it to tell me something and through me express its meaning in nature.

~Wynn Bullock

This was interesting, I purposely let less light through. Found the result to be interesting.

I generally try to stay away from using the flash, but i thought this brought out a nice effect, made the colours more crisp and sharp.

There's something about these old style lamps I can't help but find romantic. I hope I'll be better at capturing their beauty.


  1. now you can't stop taking pictures! i'm saving up for an external flash. wanna save up with me?

  2. hmm, i'll pass, i don't like the flash too much as it is, i can't imagine wanting an external one right now. however talk to me in a few months and i might be looking for a second lens! :p!
