Saturday, January 2, 2010

Nothing You Can Compare To The Neighbourhood


Wow, what a place, never do I leave this place without a sense of awe and wonderment. I really really honestly dislike all those comments that go "oh Mahatir wasted so much money building this place, that money could have been used for other stuff". Some people always fail to see the future, they fail to see what that Man has done for this country, what he envisoned for Malaysia. Putrajaya is a place that other countries look towards, that other countries try to learn from, and how amazing and brilliant is that? For a small country like Malaysia it is such an achievement. I wish people would realise his brilliance.

I can only ever dream that India could ever get a leader like him.

This mosque blows my mind away, the design is breathtaking, and the concept (half "on water") brilliant!

This is my favourite one. The angle is so dramatic and the blue blue sky!

Oh yes, I have decided it is time to watermark my photos. Just prefer to be safe, not that they are worth stealing!

1 comment:

  1. Just stumbled upon your site, and I have to say...amazing pictures! Are you a professional photographer? Keep up the great work!
    -the boo.
