Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Lately I have been feeling so bitter/angry/helpless. Despite all my positivity nothing seems to have gone right this year. It's been one slap after another, too many things/people lost, too many awful truths exposed. Good riddence 2009, you were the worst. 2010 better make up for the nonsense that was 2009.

God where are you?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Fake Friends

“You got nothing to lose. You don't lose when you lose fake friends.”
~ Joan Jett

There are a lot of fake friends in life, they're like rocks, ok on the outside but when you pick up the rocks underneath are the worm and insects that represent what they really are.

If only we had the ability to find them out before we got hurt, life would be simpler. But such is life, it is the only way you will grow, learn, develop.

Know that YOU are better, a better human being, a better leader, a better care giver, a better heart and a better friend. But most of all, you are better off without THEM.

Cowards who lack in every aspect of life skills should be ignored and forgotten about. They do not deserve your anguish or sadness, they deserve nothing. And life shall treat them as such.

You are the BEST person I know.

Infact, really You are the BEST anyone will ever know. You think people don't notice but they do, they know how much you do and how much you care. So embrace that knowledge, and forget about the "rude, egoistical, incompetent, idiotic, moronic, stupid, petty, cowardly and downright tyrannical bitches" that THEY ARE. For this is the truth. And praise God for showing you their true colours. You have been saved.

I love You.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

To Die By Your Side Is Such A Heavenly Way To Die

Another park series! I don't know why I love taking nature shots but I just do! (maybe they're so easy). One day I shall try Potraits of live people.

These are black and whites which to tell the truth are really my Favourite kind of photos. Everything is so much more dramatic when its black and white.

This post is dedicated to you who walked with me :)